above image courtesy of Jessi Ann Photography

Private Pay (Self-Pay)

At this time we can only offer a self-pay option for our clients and their families. Payment may be made by cash, check (made out to Sacred Space Midwifery), HSA, credit/debit card, Venmo or ACH withdrawal.


Pregnancy Package

$5,500 base fee

Our, ‘Global Fee,’ for Midwifery care for both home and birth center births is $5,500. This includes prenatal care, delivery at home or our birth center facility, our four-part childbirth education series, a 20 week ultrasound, and one appointment with Lauren Dill, IBCLC. Many Sacred Space Midwifery clients choose to take advantage of our 10% discount offered to those who can pay in full before 28 weeks. Includes initial consultation (with or without confirmation of pregnancy), regular prenatal visits, 20 week anatomy scan ultrasound at our preferred location, practice preferred lab work, midwifery care during birth, followed by a one-day postpartum visit and regular postpartum checks up to six weeks.

You can learn more about The Birth Center at New Song here.

A La Carte Services

$150 per visit

At Sacred Space Midwifery, we strive to offer the most personalized and compassionate care available. As such, we realize that each woman has different needs than others and we love to help! For those wanting additional support/troubleshooting visits outside the usual monthly prenatal checks, Star and Esther are happy to schedule a visit within normal business hours to address your concerns. While we would love with all our hearts to offer these additional services free of charge within the global package, we quickly discovered that our midwives were getting burnt out without a kind of system to work these into their visit days. Asking this extra fee helps to cover any additional resources/time necessary so they can “deliver” quality care to all of our clients in a manner consistent with maintaining an efficient practice and helping you thrive during your pregnancy.

After Hours phone/text consult / $100 per hour ($20 minimum)

If you need additional support outside of normal business hours, fee is $100 per hour by phone/text, starting at a minimum of $20. After hour consults or additional questions for non-emergencies answered via phone or text are considered an additional visit and are not included under our, ‘Global Fee.’

Birth Pool Rental (Clients Only)


Clients have the option of renting an inflatable birth pool for their home birth experience. The pool will be delivered at one of your final prenatal appointments and is accompanied with printed instructions and a kit for set-up (air pump for inflating, pool liner, and potable water hose for filling the tub).

Well Woman Consultations

$150 base fee

For those looking to get problem-specific or baseline lab testing with a personal treatment plan. Includes office visit for initial blood draw and review of results by phone with one of our midwives. Fees for additional labs and follow-up visits may be determined on an individual basis as needed.

Lactation Consultations

$125 initial consultation / $75 follow-up visit

As a part of your care with us, you will receive one free complimentary visit from Lauren (our certified lactation consultant) within the first two weeks or so after delivery. For additional support and visits beyond this timeframe, there is a $75 fee per visit. Even if you aren’t being seen for midwifery care with us, Lauren’s services are available for an initial consultation fee of $125, followed up by the regular $75 charge for visits thereafter. For more information, please contact Lauren at laurendclc@gmail.com.

Placenta Encapsulation


Services include picking up your placenta from the birth location, handling and processing, and delivery of the final product.

Childbirth Education Series


Our four-part series is open to the public, and is free for Sacred Space Midwifery Clients. Click here for more information.


Call (574) 248-2485 to schedule a consultation!