Birth services


Pregnancy Package

At Sacred Space Midwifery, being heard and seen is our first priority. You are not a number…you are a person. In treating the whole person, we provide evidence-based care individualized to suit your needs. Visits can be in your home or at our office during normal business hours.

We typically schedule your first prenatal appointment no sooner than 8 weeks after your last menstrual period. During this visit, we obtain a complete health history, draw blood for initial lab work, and review/sign any documents necessary for coming into our care. (Hint: you can access these on our resources page). Regular checks are performed monthly and become weekly around 36 weeks gestation. During this time, our midwives are available by phone during normal business hours to answer your non-urgent pregnancy questions and concerns.

Our Pregnancy Package Includes:

  • Nutritional support throughout your entire pregnancy

  • Lab work

  • Practice preferred labs

  • Personalized care

  • Childbirth Education Classes

  • Informed consent and shared decision making

  • Routine visits once monthly until 28 wks, every other week until 37 wks, and weekly until delivery.

  • A 20 week anatomy scan ultrasound

We also have resources available to you through our lending library at the office and can refer to other health professionals for extra care, including: chiropractic adjustments, prenatal massage, physical therapy, and ultrasounds or additional lab work.

Delivery & Postpartum

Clients have the option of birthing at home or at our new location, ‘The Birth Center at New Song Community Wellness.’ Our new facility is located just North of Bristol in Union, MI. One of our skilled midwives (Star or Esther) will be in attendance at your birth, with the additional support of a birth assistant. We encourage our clients to make their birth experience their own and see ourselves as companions coming into your home and space to help you on this journey.
(Birth tub rental is available upon request)

Labor, Delivery, and the Immediate Postpartum Period

  • We specialize in normal physiological birth

  • Water birth option available

  • Delayed cord clamping

  • Skin-to-skin

  • Help if needed with initiating breastfeeding

  • Newborn exams within the first 2 hours of birth

Routine Postpartum Care Includes:

  • Newborn checkup at home in the 1st days after delivery

  • Appointment with Lauren Dill (our lactation consultant) at 1 wk pp.

  • Two and six week visits for mom and baby

  • Your birth team will file the birth of your baby with the state so your baby’s SS card and birth certificate will be available to you quickly

For more information on The Birth Center at New Song, visit this link.

Clients are also given the option of having their data submitted to MANA (Midwives Alliance of North America) for anonymous research and statistics in home birth. For more information, please visit this link.


Birth Pool Rental (clients only)

Laboring and giving birth in water has many proven benefits for mamas, including: increased relaxation, decreased pain, reduced perineal trauma, and in some cases, a shorter duration of labor. Sacred Space Midwifery clients desiring the option of water birth may rent a birth pool for an additional fee (see investment page for pricing). Package includes the pool, kit for set-up, and instructions for set-up/tear-down.

Childbirth Education

Our four-part childbirth education series is heavily focused on understanding the physiology of birth, relaxation techniques, and preparing for postpartum. Classes are taught on Tuesdays from 6-8.

View our class schedule here.


Lactation Services

Because we are so passionate about giving our mamas what they need to succeed, each woman receiving midwifery care with us will also be offered a consultation with Lauren Dill, IBCLC as part of their routine care after giving birth. With many years of experience and several breastfed children of her own, Lauren is able to help address issues such as: pain, low milk supply, possible tongue tie, and much more. Lauren can refer to additional care providers as necessary as well. Additional services after the first consultation are available for an additional fee. For more information, visit Lauren’s website here.

Placenta Encapsulation

Studies show that consuming your placenta after birth has many health benefits, including increased milk production and decreased depression/anxiety.

(used with client’s permission)

(used with client’s permission)

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Well Woman Consultations

Beyond the seasons of pregnancy and postpartum, we desire to care for women in other seasons of life as well. Issues such as infertility, PCOS, thyroid dysfunction, and menopause can affect women’s quality of life and ability to thrive. Similar to the care you might receive from an OB/GYN, Star and Esther are available for well woman visits. Depending on the need and severity, services can include lab work, counseling for diet and lifestyle, pap smears, or referrals to other providers for services beyond our scope.